The Consul General of France in Athens meets "The Smile of the Child"

We had the honor to welcome the Consul General of France in Athens, Mrs. Diane Roeser, as well as Mr. Odysseus Tsakas from the Social Affairs section of the Consulate, at Smile’s Panhellenic Coordinating Operational Center for Direct Social & Medical Intervention "Andreas Yannopoulos" in Aghia Paraskevi, in order to meet "The Smile of the Child".
This meeting was aimed at an in person meeting of the Consul General with the President of the Board of Directors of the Organization, Mr. Costas Yannopoulos, as well as learning more about Smile’s actions and services for children in danger or in need and their families.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Costas Yannopoulos, Ambassador (H) Mr. Marc Van den Reeck, volunteer and Head of International Cooperation and former Ambassador of Belgium to Greece, Ms. Piji Protopsaltis, Coordinator of International Cooperation, and Ms. Stavroula Spiropoulou, Psychologist and Coordinator of Smile’s Center for Child Abuse and Exploitation.
During the meeting, they had the chance to make a full presentation of the Organization and its activities, as well as its existing relations with the French Embassy and French institutions and organizations, while also to discuss more extensively issues of particular concern for the Consulate –missing children, domestic violence, etc.. A tour of the premises of the Operations Center was also conducted.
The pleasure and honor for all of us at "Smile" was great and we look forward to further and enhanced cooperation!